erland wrote: 
> Not sure if Ratings Light have the same problem as I had with TrackStat
> but in TrackStat it isn’t possible to write to the database during
> scanning, if I remember correctly the database just gave an error. If
> the same thing happens in Ratings Light you might want to handle this.
> In TrackStat I queue up the changed ratings during scanning and persist
> them to the database when scanning is finished. However, it could be
> that this doesn’t happens in Ratings Light since you store ratings in
> the standard tables and not in separate tables as TrackStat does.
> Anyway, just mentioning it so you are aware of it if you get similar
> issues.

Thanks for making me aware. Since I've never used LMS while it's
(re)scanning it would have never occurred to me to look for this. And it
happens with RL too. I can see the code in TS for that.
What's the easiest way to make LMS execute a function once the scan is
completely finished?

I'm working on the DynamicPlaylist integration part. And it seems I have
a sql problem. I've successfully managed to rebuild a no-parameter
playlist. But I have some other PLs with temporary tables. I've been
using them for a long time with DynamicPlaylist (via custom SQLplaylist
definitions). But they don't seem to work directly in DPL. Is it
possible that DPL has a problem with temporary tables? Or that
SQLplaylist does some translating I'm missing? Here's a simplified
version with one parameter that returns zero tracks:

    $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS randomweightedratingshigh;
  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS randomweightedratingslow;
  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS randomweightedratingscombined;
  create temporary table randomweightedratingslow as select tracks.url as url 
from tracks
        join tracks_persistent on
                tracks.url=tracks_persistent.url and tracks_persistent.rating 
<= 49
        limit 60;
  create temporary table randomweightedratingshigh as select tracks.url as url 
from tracks
        join tracks_persistent on
                tracks.url=tracks_persistent.url and tracks_persistent.rating > 
        limit 40;
  create temporary table randomweightedratingscombined as 
        SELECT * FROM randomweightedratingslow 
        SELECT * from randomweightedratingshigh;
  SELECT * from randomweightedratingscombined 
        ORDER BY random() 
        limit 20;
  DROP TABLE randomweightedratingshigh;
  DROP TABLE randomweightedratingslow;
  DROP TABLE randomweightedratingscombined;

It doesn't seem to work in Database Query either. Seems only SQLplaylist
can work with this. Any idea why?

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