afriend wrote: 
> Ok, just pushed the latest version to the 'usual *git* repo'
> (

Thanks! I've tried it. It seems to work. However, I only played with it
briefly. Some comments:

- Sometimes the remote get stuck somehow. I.e. i cannot navigate the
menu anymore and other buttons stop reacting. Maybe it interferes with
the up/down repeat function to navigate menu and that somehow confuses
the IR handling in LMS?

- This new function is enabled by default, right? Perhaps it shouldn't
be? I guess it sort of "hacks" into the button mapping, which may be
unexpected (e.g. for people that use the "hold number button" favourites

- The rating stars do appear in the default LMS webinterface. Nice! But
I don't know what you mean by "context menu". I can click a song in the
playlist (right part of the screen) or in the browse menu (left part)
and in the song details page there is now the stars rating "widget"
instead of just the rating number (for songs that had rating). It works
fine and it displays correctly (Firefox, Linux). It displays as the
first item in the list. I think the default "rating: number" entry
displays further down (not sure, though). Is that what you mean by
"context menu"? Also, removing rating by clicking the [x] works.

- I think I can only do "full-star" ratings now and previously (in
Material skin) I could do half star ratings as well. I don't mind. I
need only binary rating anyway :)

I will try a bit more (particularly the "remote got stuck" part) when I
find some time.


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