TheHighFlyingBirds wrote: 
> I have had this issue for a while on Squeezelite-X. Had it on my last
> work laptop and my new replacement laptop. Installs have been via
> Windows store (only way I can install stuff as company laptop) on both
> machines. The pauses are always near the end of songs. The Sq-x log just
> shows something like this:
> [16:46:30.003] process:527 strm
> [16:46:30.003] process_strm:280 strm command p
> [16:46:30.003] sendSTAT:195 STAT: STMp
> [16:46:30.003] process_strm:316 pause interval: 0
> [16:46:30.152] process:527 strm
> [16:46:30.152] process_strm:280 strm command t
> [16:46:30.152] sendSTAT:195 STAT: STMt
> [16:46:30.453] process:527 strm
> The LMS log shows The fullness drop to 0%, then has a
> playerOutputUnderrun (2239), and rebuffers, and has basically has no
> output for about 15s (unless you move the track position slider) I have
> attached a snippet of the log where the overrun occurs through till it
> resumes (I have chopped some of the lines out where it is buffering to
> reduce file size enough to attach). 
> On reading about this, and seeing a suggestion to increase the buffer
> size in Squeezelite-X, added "-b 10000:100000" to the parameters - this
> has reduced it a little, but not fully, but the interface seems to have
> started freezing / crashing now when do simple things like just going
> back in music selection area (this isn't all the time and music doesn't
> even need to be playing).
> Just to note, I have no pausing issues on my PiCoreplayer streamer. 
> Lastly, this is my first post here, so just want to say hi and thanks
> for awesome software. 
> Thanks

Try using the parameters as (Several have claimed this eliminates
pausing issue, YMMV).

-u E
-b 16384


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