Hey! I am new to this software. I am starting to discover it because I
like it's sound. A little laid back and more 3D than Jriver used before.
I also like the Android remote.
So, I am using it o a W10 laptop, and I want to ask you a few

1. When I play DSD files, the DAC shows me it's maxim sample rate in
PCM, but not DSD. The checkbox: DSD Player is checked in the Plugins
page. When I play the same track in Jriver, the DAC shows DSD. What can
I do to play DSD files in DSD format?

2. I have a lot of albums in ISO format (DSD) and a lot in a big flac
file and a CUE file (PCM) in an album. Is there a way to play the tracks
independently? Jriver, Foobar, etc are showing and playing each track,
but not Squeezelite-X. 

3. How do you describe the sound of SqueezeliteX versus Jriver or other
software? I just discovered SqueezeliteX a few months back, but it had
some problems playing Tidal. Now they play ok. My oppinion is that
Jriver has more power and dynamics, the sound is more "in your face".
Squeezelite is more laid back, it has less force, but the soundstage has
more depth and the sound is more 3D.

Thank you!

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