rgdawson wrote: 
> (1) This is strange, obviously. Is it a left-click or right-click on the
> tray icon?  Launching a web-browser first, and then things work, is
> really weird, since SLX is independent of anything a browser might do. 
> I've looked through the code and I find nothing obvious and I'm not
> aware of anyone else having this issue and I have never seen it and
> can't reproduce it.  What OS version are you running?
> (2) Are you saying the tray icon goes to the hidden tray icon area after
> a reboot?  SLX does nothing to drive where that appears as it is a
> Windows function.  After an install/uninstall, it may get reset to
> appear in hidden area, but once you move it to the visible tray it
> should stay there (until a new install resets it).
> R Greg Dawson

Thank you for looking at the code. Problems I had in the past stopped me
from using the MS Store version and I went over to the manual install
version to delay start-up of SqueezeLite-X on reboot. I used a piece of
software called 'Configure Startup Delayer by r2 Studios'. If I remember
correctly that was back around v1.8 of SqueezeLite-X, maybe before, but
I can't remember the exact reason for doing so; I think it was something
to do with SqueezeLite-X not picking up host name and output device if
LMS Server was not fully started - LMS needed just over a minute after
reboot to start properly. If a delay was introduced before SqueezeLite-X
started everything worked correctly so I've retained that delay ever
since. Your reply above got me thinking and made me investigate more
fully - it appears the start-up delay or the delay software itself was
causing both problems.

I've taken SqueezeLite-X out of the delay software, have it set to 'Auto
Start On Log in' and I'll monitor its behaviour and get back to you if
there are any more problems. So far after, 5 reboots, the system tray
icon remains visible on the taskbar and clicking the icon before running
it in a browser doesn't cause it to quit. If the problems return I'll
get back to you and if it remains stable I'll have a go with the MS
Store version again.

2 x Touch
2 x Radio
2 x Boom
1 x Intel-NUC server/squeezelite running LMS 8.20 (from nightlies) on
Windows 10
1 X Odroid-XU4 server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Ubuntu 16.04
1 x iMac server running macOS Big Sur
WaveIO USB into Lavry DA-10 DAC
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM NAC 72
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Focal Electra 1027 Be II Speakers
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