mherger wrote: 
> > What is the best way to install an old plugin manually?
> Uninstall the current version using the plugin manager - the settings 
> will not be removed.
> > Just replace everything below
> >
> /volume1/@appstore/SqueezeCenter/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/Spotty
> > with the content of
> No, don't mess with that folder. Anything in InstalledPlugins you 
> shouldn't touch, or the plugin installer will get confused.
> Find the folder called "Plugins" instead. Extract the .zip file in
> there, to get a Plugins/Spotty folder.
> It seems you're still running LMS on Synology? I thought that was no
> longer supported...

I found a folder SqueezeCenter/Slim/Plugin which contains lots of
Plugins but no Spotty.

So your proposal is
- Uninstall Spotty Plugin via LMS
- Create Spotty folder under Plugin/ and copy content
Regarding Synology: They are not updating LMS anymore so it is on 7.9.
And they upgraded Perl recently which breaks LMS. So I would say they
don't care about LMS anymore.
But Pinkdot is offering LMS distros for all Synology CPU architectures
and I got my LMS from there.

With the upcoming LMS7 I heard there will be more problems but I haven't
tried that. Worst case I need to use LMS in Docker then, but let's see.

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