Dr Lovegrove;210166 Wrote: 
> Is there any way of exporting all your tags in mp3tag so that I can
> apply them to my set of files ? 

I tried ... unfortunately, MP3tag is extracting just a single ARTIST
per track.  I also tried exporting them with Tag&Rename ... same

The interesting thing, however, is this:  in situations where multiple
ARTIST tags exist, MP3tag appears to be choosing the longest of the
ARTIST strings.  Meanwhile, Tag&Rename is choosing what appears to be
the first of the multiple ARTIST strings (which is always the actual

I'll attach those export files so you don't think I'm completely loony
:-)  Note, these files are actually .html files, but I had to rename
them as .txt so that this forum would allow me to upload them (you'll
want to change them back).

Worst case, if this can't be fixed ... I did a quick visual scan of my
albums in the Library Tree, and it appears (as best as I can tell from
a quick visual inspection of 800+ albums) that only a dozen or so
albums suffer from this multiple ARTIST tag situation, so it shouldn't
be too bad for me to fix these manually.

|Filename: TagRenameTest.txt                                        |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2996|

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=36229

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