afriend wrote: 
> First off, there is actually a section on how to revert to DPL v2.+ and
> not auto-update to DPL v3+ in the future.

Yes, I appreciate having that option and suspect that my use case is
weird enough that I'd probably just be better off going that route.

afriend wrote: 
> BTW if you did a *wipe* (=clear) & rescan (not simply scan for new &
> changed files) -after- you'd renamed your files your database should be
> ok.

That's normally what I've done in the past, but in this case since I was
seeing *two* major issues (the skips not being honored and albums added
incompletely) I thought I'd just jump to the nuclear option. :)

afriend wrote: 
> And yes, DPL adds "only" a max. of 15 new tracks *by default* but *you
> can change that number* on the plugin's settings page (up to 50 tracks),
> it's actually the first setting.

I did change that, but I'm still seeing a mix of complete and incomplete
albums being added, seemingly at random.

afriend wrote: 
> But I could help you create it by posting the sql playlist definition of
> such a dynamic playlist here so you can test it. But I'd need to know
> -all- the parameters.

I genuinely appreciate the offer, but at this point I'm first going to
try to go back to the original setup, if for no other reason than it's
done exactly what I want/need for years now.

afriend wrote: 
> So it's 
> - an *album* playlist,
> - never played before: -entire- album never played before or just
> -containing 1 or more tracks- never played before?
> - *excluding albums from which genres?* (exact name of genres)
> - no min. track duration?
> - for all albums or only those with a -minium number of tracks- in it?
> (thereby excluding "albums" like CD singles with only 2 tracks for
> example)
> - in album order or randomly ordered?

In case this is something that others would like as well (it seems like
a not-too-strange thing to want), what I had is:

1. Randomly chosen never-played albums

2. Skipping tracks where one or more of the GENRE tags are something not
suited to overnight use, e.g., "Spoken", "Comedy", etc.

3. No high or low limits on number of tracks or track duration. I'll
take it whether the "album" is a one-track single or a 200-track box.

4. One shortcoming (well, to me, but not necessarily to anyone else) of
Erland's original plugin is that (as I understand it) even playing just
one track from an album results in that album being considered "played".
I'm looking for any album that hasn't been played in its entirety.
Though that can get murky, too: For example, if an album has a mix of
music and interviews (GENRE=Interview), I'd want to play the music
tracks but not the spoken ones.

Another thing that I appreciate and am not sure if your plugin also has
is the ability to skip tracks with multiple genres if any *one* of those
genres matches one that should be skipped. That's something of a serious
shortcoming in the stock LMS random code--if I have an album with
GENRE=DTS and GENRE=Rock and tell LMS not to play DTS, that album will
still play based on the remaining genre.

I also just installed the new Dynamic Playlists plugin on a fully up to
date server that doesn't get used much and doesn't, as far as I know,
have any non-vanilla funny stuff on it. Multiple attempts to have
Dynamic Playlists play never-played albums resulted in...nothing. The
log doesn't report any errors, but nothing gets added to the playlist.
Is it possible that 123,195 tracks is just too many? (Another way I'm an

Anyway, thank you for the response. At this point I think I'll just try
to restore the old plugin. At some point I'll presumably run out of
albums for it to play...I had assumed that when that day came I'd just
wipe out all the data and start fresh, but maybe that would be the
perfect time to transition to the new plugin.

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