rgdawson wrote: 
> I wish I knew.  I am seeing squeezelite "stop" playing and last night I
> noticed this after pausing for say, 20 minutes, then resuming.  It plays
> for a while (maybe what is left in buffer?), then stops for a while, but
> if I do nothing and wait awhile it starts again.  Of course, I can't
> make it happen at will.  This was while listening to Pandora.  As for
> log data, I presume you are capturing the squeezelite player log info
> that you can turn on in SLX advanced settings.  I've tried that to
> finding nothing interesting, so far.
> Edit: On second thought, if it was a squeezelite crash, it would take
> SLX around 5-10 seconds to detect that, and then SLX would automatically
> restart squeezelite.  There would be a "Squeezelite aborted" message in
> that case.
> Edit:  On third thought, I checked and SLX does not automatically
> restart.  It used to, but now it shows an error message.  So, if you are
> not seeing that, then I don't think it is an actual squeezelite crash.
> R Greg Dawson

Squeezelite stopping is likely related to the 'discussion in this

I don't have a fix.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *2*-UE Radio
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