Hello all. I run LMS on a small Wandboard under Linux and have SQ-X
installed on my Windows 7 desktop. Everything works fine. But yesterday
I installed SQ-X on the other desktop on my small home network, also
running Windows 7, and I'm unable to get it to work. I keep getting a
*System Error. Code: 123 The filename, directory name, or volume label
syntax is incorrect.* The version I'm trying to install is the same
Windows 7-compatible version I have installed on the other W7 desktop.

Has anyone run into this problem? Might it be related to installing on
two computers on the same network?

Any hints as to where to look for the source of the problem would be

Happy Solstice

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.0.0 - ARCH-AUR-GIT.20200807.1a544e3
running on Wandboard Quad, music library on USB HDD
Squeezebox Touch plugged into run-of-the-mill stereo rig via Musical
Fidelity X-Act, extra speakers in kitchen, basement, and bedroom
connected by ordinary (not unidirectional) copper wire.
Lestrad's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40857
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550

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