guptaas wrote: 
> Thank you for providing a very useful tool. I have been looking for a
> way to use exported ratings in a Windows tagging program like MP3Tag or
> Mediamonkey for a long time. The exported text files,however, have UNIX
> paths which these programs cannot handle. Playlists saved from LMS
> running on windows work fine. Is it possible to have the plugin follow
> the filepath convention being used by LMS itself or have an export
> setting for UNIX/Windows in the plugin?
> As an alternative, any suggestion for an easy m3u converter would be
> great. As a last resort, maybe I can create a macro in MS Word.

The EXTURL in m3u playlists should start with -file:///-, even on
Windows I think. The (other) file path below is OS specific I think.
I've made some adjustements but I can't test them on Windows (no Windows
PC or license). 
So please download and -manually- install the latest GitHub version
(2.0.9) (instructions on the GitHub page) and test the *export* and
*backup/restore* features.

BTW I wouldn't use Word macros. In my experience such programs often add
their own control characters which you don't want in playlist files. If
you really needed some kind of automated file path rewriting you could
try a script (if that's a thing on Windows) or some plain text editor
with a regex capable search/replace function.

*Plugin repositories:* 'Ratings Light'
( •••• 'Visual Statistics'
( •••• 'Use Comment Tag
Info' ( •••• 'Dynamic
Playlists 3 FAQ' ( ••••
'Custom Skip 3 FAQ' (
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