mruddo wrote: 
> I think in my case it's likely because all the genres I no longer wanted
> were already in the database - so perhaps it needs to look for any and
> remove them in some cases?

No, the genre filtering only happens at analysis time - its used to
discard tracks. It will not affect tracks already in the DB.

mruddo wrote: 
> That being the case, I tried to do this manually by deleting them from
> the database. This seemingly worked fine, and when re-running the
> analysis they were not re-added.
> I do however seem to have corrupted an index doing so:

You should not manually remove rows from the DB, this will lead to
'gaps' in the row-IDs, and will break the similarity. If you have
removed things manually, then all the row-IDs need to be recalculated.
The easiest way would be to move a music fiel out of your music folder,
rescan with music-similarity, move the track back into the music folder,
and re-scan again. When music-similarity detects a track has been
removed, it copies all of the 'tracks' table to 'tracks_tmp' and then
back-again - this causes al row IDs to be recalculated, and the jukebox

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