Hi, and first of all thanks for this great plugin.

I am running the docker image from
lmscommunity/logitechmediaserver:stable on a Linux x86-64 host

Today it means Server version 8.2.1 and Spotty 4.7.2. I also have a
Spotify family account.

I have 4 Spotify accounts configured and my problem is that I can only
see my SB players from the Spotify apps of the first configured account
(tested on the web Spotify player for Chrome and Android App). Other
accounts from the family don't see any player, even though they have
been successfully added to the plugin config (via explicit credentials
and not authorization which doesn't work).

By investigating the network, I can see that all the devices are
requesting spotify-connect._tcp.local via mDNS/5353 and getting no
reply. I have seen many posts suggesting to map port 5353/udp to the
container but as far as I can tell, no process actually *binds* to this
port (and I checked that it is free and not already used by another host
process or container). Anyway, port is mapped and it doesn't help.

So I think my question is: which process is supposed to bind to this
port ? slimserver.pl or spotty-x86_64 ? From the code, I think it's
libresport which actually binds to this port so it should be
spotty-x86_64, right ? As far as I can tell, it doesn't bind to 5353
(tested with and without auto-discover).

Also, I don't explain why the first account (and only this one) can see
the players, even though mDNS doesn't work...

Thanks a ton for your hints!

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