AF1 wrote: 
> Nothing to do with DPL but just out of curiosity: your table serves just
> this one purpose: to provide a name for your VLibs? Did you write a
> plugin that creates your "own normal" menus based on that? Are we
> talking complicated (multi-level nestedCustom menus or just
> run-of-the-mill LMS menus like all kinds of contributor menus, albums,
> genres...
Yes, just the one purpose.  I just populate it using SQL, copying the
numbers from the library prefs.  That way, if I have have to start again
from scratch, and the codes change, it's easy for me to just change the
one table entries rather than edit all my menus.  I use it mainly to
split Classical music (with an array of essential additional tags
required to select and play it properly) from other types of music, and
intend to maybe do a bit more once I'm happy I've got it working for all
my main purposes.  I used to be a programmer, but my coding days are
mostly long gone. It would take me forever to find out how to create a
plugin for LMS, let alone get access to the prefs table directly, and
somehow use that in my Custom Browse menus.  Using just SQL is simpler,
and, I hope, more reliable long term in terms of compatibilty.

> I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do here. Can you post a
> dynamic playlist example with detailled comments to illustrate what
> you're trying to achieve?
Simply select a subset of items at the start of a DPL menu, where the
subset belongs to a partiocular library, so:

  -- PlaylistName:Rated songs in classical genre
  -- PlaylistGroups:Random/For selected
  -- PlaylistTrackOrder:ordered
  -- PlaylistLimitOption:unlimited
  -- PlaylistVirtualLibraryName1:Classical
  -- PlaylistParameter1:customgenre:Select genre:select 
id,name,substr(namesort,1,1) from genres join library_libraries on 
library_genre.library=library_libraries.library and 
library_libraries.library_name='Classical' join library_genre on order by genres.namesort
  select url from
        (select tracks.url from tracks join library_track on
  library_track.track = and library_track.library = 
  join genre_track on
                join track_statistics on
                left join dynamicplaylist_history on
                        and track_statistics.rating>=70
                        and is null
                group by
                order by random()
                limit 100) as rated
        order by random();

I can 't use PlaylistVirtualLibraryName1 in the initial genre selection,
so I had to use my new table to do it instead.  
Note that my tracks can have multiple genres, so the Classical genres
has many sub-genres, and in this case I don't want to see loads of other
non-Classical genres in my selection.

I am sure there are there are several other ways of doing this, and it's
not a problem, more of a 'neatness' question.

LMS 8.1 on PC, Xubuntu 20.04, FLACs 16->24 bit, 44.1->192kbps.  2
Touches & EDO.
LMS plugin UPnP/DLNA Bridge to MF M1 CLiC (A308CR amp & ESLs) & Marantz
CR603 UPnP renderers.  
Also Minimserver & Upplay to same & to upmpdcli/mpd PC renderers.  
Squeezelite to Meridian USB Explorer DAC to PC speakers/headphones.  
Wireless Xubuntu 20.04 laptop firefox/upplay or Android mobile with
Squeeze-Ctrl/BubbleUPnP controls LMS/Minimserver.
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