Ok, I found a bug. Will release a fix later tonight.
Not sure if it applies in your case but: if you use multiple genre
values for tracks (one track = genre Pop *and* Rock) or if album tracks
don't have the same genre, your dynamic playlist will still select them.
And the unlimited option was necessary before. You did nothing wrong
here. I will look at both, the unlimited option and excluding genres to
see if I can improve them. Just not today, probably over the weekend.
Meanwhile, maybe you can dl the new version tomorrow and let me know if
and how the fixed bug affects the issues you reported.

'Ratings Light FAQ' (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-ratingslight) ••••
'Dynamic Playlists 3 FAQ'
(https://github.com/AF-1/lms-dynamicplaylists#faq) ••••
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