philippe_44 wrote: 
> :) It's uploaded now. Let me know if it works

I really appreciate what you are doing, and I'm sorry that I have to
report that no, it is not working. In fact, the latest version is not
working at all for me. Here's the the bridge log, in its entirety, from
one startup:

    Starting Squeeze2raop: 
 -Z -I -b -f /var/log/squeezeboxserver/raopbridge.log -x 
  [15:06:54.766346] main:1445 Starting squeeze2raop version: v1.0.3 (Nov  5 
2022 @ 11:27:39)
  [15:06:54.771082] StartActiveRemote:1106 DACP port: 37105

It never progresses beyond that, so none of my AirPlay devices are

There are a few quirks I've noticed in the interim. I don't know if any
of the following will be helpful, and I apologize if it's just a

Just to briefly reiterate the situation, I had (in addition to two
AirPlay speakers) two Pi Zero-Ws running shairport-sync on RPOS
(Buster), and one Pi3B running shairport-sync on pCP 8.2 with
squeezelite disabled. After switching to the beta, the two 0-Ws
continued working, but the bridge never found the 3B.

With the beta not working for me, I tried running shairport-sync on the
same version of RPOS on the 3B. I fully expected that it would work with
the beta version of the bridge, but that turned out not to be true. At
first, it looked promising, though. Here's what the log said:

    [20:13:57.781551] AddRaopDevice:775 [0x53c470]: AirPort Express
  [20:13:57.781743] AddRaopDevice:840 [0x53c470]: adding renderer (Porch-Pie) 
with mac AAAA-894CA2EB
  [20:13:57.781962] raopcl_create:712 [0xb66be7f8]: using ALAC coding
  [20:13:57.792756] output_raop_thread_init:126 [0x4ed7b8]: init output raop
  [20:13:57.792872] output_init_common:290 allocating 1764000
  [20:13:57.793467] mDNSsearchCallback:673 Updating configuration 
  [20:13:57.794271] slimproto:841 squeezelite [0x4ed7b8] <=> player [0x53c470]
  [20:13:57.794368] slimproto:842 [0x4ed7b8] connecting to
  [20:13:57.794698] slimproto:872 [0x4ed7b8] connected
  [20:13:57.794766] sendHELO:118 [0x4ed7b8] cap: 
  [20:13:57.826421] sq_callback:265 [0x53c470]: device set on/off 1
  [20:13:57.826762] PlayerThread:409 [0x53c470]: tick 1073526978
  [20:13:57.826833] PlayerThread:562 [0x53c470]: processing volume: 100 (0.00)

A few minutes later, I rebooted the 3B, this appeared in the log:

    [20:18:45.656246] mDNSsearchCallback:604 [0x53c470]: removing renderer 
  [20:18:45.656342] slimproto_close:913 [0x4ed7b8] slimproto stop for Porch-Pie
  [20:18:45.816526] PlayerThread:409 [0x53c470]: tick 1073814968
  [20:18:45.816748] DelRaopDevice:908 [0x53c470]: Raop device stopped
  [20:18:45.816804] mDNSsearchCallback:673 Updating configuration 

Indeed that player was removed from the config file, and it has never
shown up since. Since I was not watching the log when I first installed
the beta, I do not know if something similar happened when I first
installed the beta version of the bridge. Previously-existing entries
for that player were NOT removed from the file then, but it is possible
that the 3B might have been briefly recognized at first.

At that point I reverted to version of the bridge. As in the
past, all my players were recognized, but something about the 3B was

    [21:48:19.635406] AddRaopDevice:833 [0x3db7e0]: AirPort Express
  [21:48:19.635517] AddRaopDevice:883 [0x3db7e0]: adding renderer (PorchpCP)
  [21:48:19.635614] AddRaopDevice:889 [0x3db7e0]: cannot get mac PorchpCP, 
creating fake ad139239
  [21:48:19.637715] raopcl_create:735 [0xb6636758]: using ALAC coding
  [21:48:19.641818] PlayerThread:414 [0x3d8c18]: tick 2454798649
  [21:48:19.649512] output_raop_thread_init:126 [0x3893d8]: init output raop
  [21:48:19.649627] output_init_common:290 allocating 1764000
  [21:48:19.650281] mDNSsearchCallback:709 Updating configuration 
  [21:48:19.651459] slimproto:835 squeezelite [0x3893d8] <=> player [0x3db7e0]
  [21:48:19.651553] slimproto:836 [0x3893d8] connecting to
  [21:48:19.652642] slimproto:866 [0x3893d8] connected
  [21:48:19.652764] sendHELO:118 [0x3893d8] cap: 
  [21:48:19.726460] sq_callback:278 [0x3db7e0]: device set on/off 1

I have no idea why the bridge was not able to get the mac for that
player. Possibly because that mac was already in the config file with a
different player name?

I do not know enough to draw any conclusions from this. I don't even
know if any of the things I've reported have any significance. I
strongly suspect, though, that whatever is causing my problem, it is odd
enough that it's not likely to be a widespread problem, and I do not
think it should be a high priority for you. I hope you will be able to
track it down, eventually. And I will be happy to do further testing at
(almost) any time. Meanwhile, v0.4.63.1 works quite satisfactorily for

Usually running latest beta LMS nightly on Raspberry Pi OS with virtual
players (Squeezelite and Airplay bridge). Occasionally using SB Radio,
Boom or Classic.
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