NeilF;236490 Wrote: 
> Huh? All I want to do is FF and REW in a friendly manner... So in an
> ideal world (as the default FF and REW is clunky) find some easier way
> to FF or REW, eg: by using the 'scanner' plugin.
> I must admit the FF and REW functionality is a bit of a let down for
> me. The scanner plugin is far better than the default bahaviour, but on
> exit it leaves you away from where you were when going into it. eg: You
> have to navigate all the way back to the browse you were previously
> in...
> Such a shame :(

I have to agree completely here. The Squeezebox is nearly the perfect
music playback device.  I say *nearly* because I too am disappointed by
FF & REW functionality. As much as I DON'T want to compare the SB to the
iPod, since their purposes are both completely different, it WOULD be
nice if the SB had a similar FF & REW capability, *with a graphical
Progress Bar*, and would simply be implemented by pressing FF or REW
without having to exit to the Plugins menu. Is something like this not

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