pippin;369821 Wrote: 
> If it's correct in the web ui, this really sounds like a cache issue,
> could you see whether the artwork was reloaded after flushing the cache
> (you note that if the artwork appears slowly one after one when it shows
> up instead of rather quickly all at once)
> Actually the only issues where rebootings helps are memory issues of
> the iPhone itself and I haven't seen an awful lot of those with 2.2

When I refer to the correct artwork displaying in the playlist, I mean
in the playlist window/background in the Ipeng application itself. 
(although it does also display correctly in the web ui.)

After flushing the cache, I've noticed something else. No artwork is
loading at all in the artist or album listing. If I select something to
play, the album art does eventually show up in the ipeng playlist
window. And the other odd thing, is that each time I restart Ipeng,it
seems to have to build the album list all over again. After 10 minutes
or so it has reached the "C's"...It can take 30 minutes to fully load A
to Z albums. I'm assuming that it will eventually load the artwork too,
but scrolling around the ipeng (after I know that ALL 4,000+ albums
show up in the album listing) seems to cause the ipeng to crash and
exit. When I start ipeng again, it seems to start over on loading all
the albums from scratch again. Could the ipeng abnormal exit somehow
keep it from saving the information it uses in the cache?

These issues never happened with the earlier version of Ipeng.  I'm
running on a readynas duo with SC 7.3, so I expect it to be a little
slow, but this was the same setup I had with old ipeng as well (this
hasn't changed).

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