mbonsack;378147 Wrote: 
> Greg,
> Nothing in the logs either other than a strange entry:
> [09-01-01 15:27:04.5141] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::select (271)
> Error: Select task failed: Can't call method "content_list" on an
> undefined value at /loader/0xafcaf0c/Plugins/SuperDateTime/Plugin.pm
> line 3903.
> Thanks for the help!
> -mark

Against my better judgment I actually did the only thing I could think
of after exhausting all other reasons as to why SDT would simply
misbehave for no reason -- I rebooted a Linux(Ubuntu 7.04 Server LTS)
system!  Lo and behold, it worked and the mysterious error message in
the log is now gone. 

This is one of the two or three times in over 10 years of Linux use
where that old Windows standby worked.  Everything else worked on that
system prior to reboot -- squeezecenter itself, DNS/nslookup, etc.

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