ackrmann;459711 Wrote: 
> Maybe I am missing it, but I can't seem to find this functionality in
> iPeng. I use Rhapsody via Squeezenetwork. When I am within the "Now
> Playing" screen, and I want to click on a song in the playlist, for the
> purpose of bringing up information about the song, artist, album, etc.,
> how do I do that? On the normal controller, this is done by simply
> clicking on any song in the playlist. How do you do this on iPeng?
> (Note, I realize that if I have just done a search, I can go "back" to
> the search, and go back to the album, artist, etc.  But if I have not
> just done a search, that is not available to me; for example, if I start
> iPeng from a previous session, there's a "Now Playing" playlist, but no
> search to go back to. Again, on the controller, I would just click on
> the songs for more information about the artist, album, etc. and
> navigate from there.)

Next release. Not yet there.


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