bluegaspode, thanks for your detailed responses, and your very good

1. re the chance of precipitation, I vaguely recall some posts --
probably in the WDT thread -- about the lack of precipitation data on
wunderground, but I didn't follow them closely because I was getting it.
But now I see that it is maybe only available on some continents and not
others. I agree that's not fair.

2. I have another example of the animated icons, again with the sun
shining constantly and clouds blinking on/off, with about 3 seconds
between the on and off. The cloud icons don't appear to have any rain on
them. According to /var/log/messages the icons are "icon1: clear icon2:
mostlysunny". That's for Day 3 on the bottom of the SBC. The icons for
days 1 & 2 are steady sun and clouds. The day 1 icons are both
parlycloudy, while the day icons are icon1: partlycloudy and icon2:
mostlysunny. For what it's worth, on both occasions I've noticed this it
was the 3rd day of the forecast that had the clouds-blinking-on-sun

3. So far I've been looking at your applet with the SB Radio and the SB
Controller, i.e., the small screens. That probably contributes to my
"the text is too small" opinion! You say that the font isn't enlarged
much because the size is determined by the width, but what if the string
wasn't wide. For example, what if it were 10:43PM (or better yet, 10:43p
or simply 22:43 instead of something long like the 05 Oct, 2009 in your
images? In other words, if there is more width available will it use
bigger fonts? Frankly I think the smaller icons/larger text you posted
looks better than the proportions you have now. And it would probably
look better still if you could get the time font to be larger, because
it can use more width than it is now. I'll try to take a look at it on
the SB Touch and report back.

4. I see your point about de-activating the screensaver whenever a
button or wheel is touched. I thought it was a longshot, but at least
worth a mention.

Finally, there's no need to feel bad about not taking my suggestions.
This is your software, and I expect that if you tried to implement every
suggestion from every user you would end up going insane.

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