aubuti;468120 Wrote: 
> 2. I have another example of the animated icons, again with the sun
> shining constantly and clouds blinking on/off, with about 3 seconds
> between the on and off. The cloud icons don't appear to have any rain on
> them. According to /var/log/messages the icons are "icon1: clear icon2:
> mostlysunny". That's for Day 3 on the bottom of the SBC. The icons for
> days 1 & 2 are steady sun and clouds. The day 1 icons are both
> parlycloudy, while the day icons are icon1: partlycloudy and icon2:
> mostlysunny. For what it's worth, on both occasions I've noticed this it
> was the 3rd day of the forecast that had the clouds-blinking-on-sun
> icon.
I see - so we have a combination of:
clear/mostlysunny: which (currently) should be a full sun toggling with
a sun with just a few (=two) clouds. 
partlycloudy/mostlysunny: actually two icons as well, but I mapped them
to the same image (sun with two little clouds)

I guess the first combination is still consistent in saying that there
will be sun at least :) and the forecast is just not sure how much ...
Does this make more sense to you now or should we try reduce the
toggling? I could always take the 'icon1' as the main icon and only if
its a 'chanceof*'-icon start toggling with the other icon.
> 3. So far I've been looking at your applet with the SB Radio and the SB
> Controller, i.e., the small screens. That probably contributes to my
> "the text is too small" opinion! You say that the font isn't enlarged
> much because the size is determined by the width, but what if the string
> wasn't wide. For example, what if it were 10:43PM (or better yet, 10:43p
> or simply 22:43 instead of something long like the 05 Oct, 2009 in your
> images? In other words, if there is more width available will it use
> bigger fonts? 
The font is adjusted to the available space.
I calculate the size of the font and based on the longest string that
could show I scale it up as much as possible.
So if there is more vertical space and the longest text is shorter,
then the font would be bigger automatically.
Currently I take the date-string as the longest string regardles of
whether its activated or not.

I'll play around a bit (as my wife is sometimes mumbling about the
font-size too ;) - which makes at least to votes to look into it again)
to see If there is some room for bigger fonts. On all devices the font
would be bigger if one takes a shorter date-string (or disables it and
my code would respect this)


1x SB-Controller+Receiver, 1xSB-Boom. Server running on Linkstation NAS
One radio to come when its available
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