bpa;469674 Wrote: 
> You don't have to use much english but please give the full complete
> details as shown on the system such as
> - where does the menu disappear from  (e.g. Settings/Plugins or Extras
> ?) or do you mean it never appears in the first place.
> -"then i've put the find art folder (with the modified files) in the
> plugin directory"  - please give the full path you used - I think you
> have installed in the wrong directory. 
> -"i've used tool "extra" included in the squeezebox server" I do not
> knwo of any tool called "extra" that is included in squeezebox server. 
> I think this is a QNAP addition which means I think it will not work
> with FindArt.  Where is this tool located ?  How is it used ? What is it
> supposed to do ?

1) in the ssots (SLimserver on turbostation) of qnap, i read (in the
extra section):
This enables you to import Plugins from your Public share
You just have to create a folder 'Plugins' on Public share
and copy the unzipped Plugins into it. This function copies the Plugins
into the corresponding SqueezeCenter Directory.
Then you have to restart SqueezeCenter.
2) as for the direcroty, i've put the files one of the qnap's hard
disk, called "public": here, there 's a folder called "plugin", created
by squeeze server when i installed it. 
3) the menu disappeares from the menu of the web interface of
squeezecenter and from the menu of the duet's remote control (it
appeared not in the extra, but in the main menu)

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