bpa;469640 Wrote: 
> Please try to get the Extension Downloader to work as failed manual
> install are very hard to debug especially on non standard systems.  What
> problem do you see when you use the extension downloader. 
> For example I have no idea what you are referring to by "i've imported
> it by extra tool in Squeeze server"
> Please be specific and give details about what you are doing and what
> messages are displayed as that will save a lot of time.

1) i've tries with extension downloader but find art disappared from

2) then i've put the find art folder (with the modified files) in the
plugin directory and i've used tool "extra" included in the squeezebox
server (installed on qnap): it's a tool to import plugins saved in the
pugin directory..sorry but my english is bad and i can't explai well

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