miklorsmith;483880 Wrote: 
> Message back from MickeyG and my reply to him . . .
> "Mike:
> Sorry for the late reply. It's been somewhat busy around here. :-(
> I've not listened to the Inguz product myself, but it's easy to imagine
> that digitally equalizing for your room and system in software would
> work great. It hadn't dawned on me to do it within Squeezebox Server,
> but it would definitely work.

Mike, thanks for passing this along. And Hugh, thanks for popping back
into our world and providing expiry-free tools! I just did a new set of
sweeps myself a couple of weeks ago and couldn't do anything with them.

I'm hoping that MickeyG gets what it is we're looking for here. If
Logitech does decide to do something I'm hoping they see that we want
what Inguz currently gives us - a full DRC capability, not just an EQ
function. Frankly, with Hugh having been kind enough to make the source
code now available I'd like to hope there'd be a way to support the
continued development of this great tool.

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