jasell;540304 Wrote: 
> Intresting, can I improve my load times then? When selecting Artist I
> emidiatly see all my artists. When selecting an artist I have to wait
> ~10 sec to list the albums and another ~10 secs to display tracks when
> I select an Album. Sometimes I have to wait for some Artwork to display
> as well.
> Do iPeng ask SBS about what to display and then iPeng pulls it from the
> cache?
> I can understand that iPeng querys SBS for listing of New Music (which
> I 50% of the times) but not for listing the "static" Artist library
> (which I use the other 50%).
> PS. I'm running on a Qnap so I don't belive 7.6 is easily installed
> since it will require a new SSOTS which most probly will need some
> customized files. But I'm really looking forward to a faster SBS that
> will run smoother on my system..

iPeng keeps the list of artists and albums and genres but doesn't do
queries against that.
The reason is that you can not get all information from the server.
There can be additional tags (artistsort, albumsort, more than on
artist per album,... there are a thousand varieties) that iPeng doesn't
know about so in a lot of cases the internal lookup would not be

So the "main" list of artists is cached but if you descend into an
artist the albums are queried from the server.

Even if iPeng improves caching, this will stay this way but iPeng will
then cache that response and use the cached value for the next try. You
will only profit if you use the same queries more than once and you
don't change your library too often because since the server doesn't
provide any cache management iPeng has to throw away all cached data
whenever anything changes in your library.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at penguinlovesmusic.com
pippin's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13777
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=51929

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