cublet;549741 Wrote: 
> To save having to find the latest IP Address of devices I use Address
> Reservation on my router where you put the desired IP Address to be
> served via DHCP from the router when a device with a given MAC address
> is switched on.
> I think most routers allow this, certainly Netgear ones.
Well, cublet, I think you are right. But still I was too lazy to find
out, how to manage this at my router. Of course I believe this would
Maybe I´ll do that one time, but its not so often, that I have to SCP
myself into the controller, so....
And I just wanted to tell @indifference_engine another advantage that I
would see, if he managed to put forward all the wonderfull enhancements
he intends to put into his next version!
So here we are happily waiting for it...
(in the meantime I enhanced my squeezeir.xml with fantastic new
profiles, so I can use my controller now nearly for everything in the
house! Great!!


NAS: QNAP TS119 Version 3.2.6 build 0427T (1,2GHz,512MB)
SC Firmware 7.5.1 r8761, SSOTS 4.8, Squeezecenter 7.5.1 r30720
Devices: 3x Boom 2 x Classic 1 x Duett, 1 x Roku Soundbridge
Sunnysekot's Profile:
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