I've just installed the iPeng plugin 0.5.4 on my Squeezebox Server
(v.7.5.0), running on Linux (Mint/Ubuntu 10.4).

I access the Squeezebox from my iPhone at
over wifi, and it loads fine, and looks like a great interface.

However, only some things work. Nothing happens if I click on "Browse
Library", "Browse More", "Internet Radio" or "Extras". The buttons
along the bottom work fine (Albums, Artists, Lists, etc.), and if, for
example, I click on an artist, I'll get a list of their albums with
album art, but clicking on the "+" next to the album or a song does
nothing at all.

The behaviour doesn't seem to be a iPhone/Safari issue, as the exact
same problems exist if I try to use the iPeng interface from the
desktop using Firefox.

I've tried searching through this forum, but haven't seen anything
about this problem. I will say there is a fabulous amount of support
and help given, but given the format (a single thread of 181 pages over
two years, supporting both the plugin and the iPhone app), it is very
difficult to find a specific answer, so apologies if this has already
been answered -- I looked (I really did!), but with searching and
browsing for the past hour I haven't seen any mention of this
particular problem.

Thanks! -- B

bbb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5045
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=51929

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