Yes, the beta version of SrvrPowerCtrl will do what you want it to. 
Make sure it's the latest beta version (from last January, I think)
that you have installed.  

But getting this to work is going to require some extra effort on your
part.  SrvrPowerCtrl is really all about putting the server to sleep,
not keeping it awake.  

So, exactly as Danco suggests above, do this:  Search this thread for
'caffeine' and read up on that Mac utility. Download caffeine and
install it (google search for 'caffeine OSX').  Then you'll need to
write a script to invoke caffeine.  There should be an example script
of Danco's in the thread here somewhere.  Then, you may need to modify
your /etc/sudoers file so that caffeine can be run by the user account
that Squeezebox Server is running under.  Finally, configure
SrvrPowerCtrl so that the 'not-idle' action calls your caffeine
invocation script.

I think that's it, in a nutshell.

I've been intending, for the past 9 months or so, to redo my
'ReallyPreventStandby' plugin so that it supports OSX and linux for
exactly this sort of stuff and then rip out the 'not-idle' support in
SrvrPowerCtrl.  That probably won't happen until December, though.

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