@Gordon: Thank you for your answer.

My Ubuntu machine is intended to be a pure music server, and most of
the time there is no need for any shutdown blocking feature. Anyhow,
besides periodic maintenance, there are times when I try to get more
into the Linux thing.

If there is no other way, I will have to remember to switch off the
idle player monitor item to prevent the server from getting suspended.
I am not really getting in trouble with this, regarding that
SrvrPowerCtrl in my case doesn't shut down the server. So I am able to
continue interrupted operations after reactivation.

gharris999;587344 Wrote: 
> In the mean time, though, there is a way to "inhibit" SrvrPowerCtrl's
> actions.  On the SrvrPowerCtrl web page (not the settings page, but
> rather the web page linked to on SBS's "extras" menu item) you can
> select the "Block Shutdown/Suspend/etc." item and SrvrPowerCtrl will be
> inhibited from suspending the server.

I can't find this Web Page. Would you please explain again where I can
find it?


Asus EeeBox - Ubuntu - SB Classic - SB Boom - SB Radio - iPhone - iPad -
iPeng :-)
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