Remixray;591027 Wrote: 
> My music is in a foldler called " My music " but I remember the box
> that says " use i tunes " is checked
The question is: is this configured in Settings->General?
Do Albums/Artists etc. work as expected? From our mail coversation this
would confuse me. If you are not connected to the server, there will me
no "Music Folder", so the issue here is not with your server setup but
with getting your iPhone to see the server:
> Joerg at Ipeng has been a great help but I may have to admit defeat as
> most of the info on ips and servers is above my head.

Ah... Now I know who you are :)
Well, the essence is: Your iPhone is not connected to your WiFi
network, I'd bet on it. And yes, networks can be extremely confusing
but there's little I can do about it from over here...


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