pippin;609517 Wrote: 
> That's two different issues.
> To get playback in iPeng for iPad, too, all you have to do is restart
> iPeng for iPad. You don't have to do the code procedure twice.
> To copy that to your iPhone you do indeed have to do the sync
> procedure.
> I know it's a bit messy but I don't really have _any_ other idea how to
> do this.

Aha, ok, yes take it out of backgrounding and restart fixed my issue,

The other option is a pain but my priority was on the pad. Thanks.

In the bug fixes you mention a consumption issue, i have to take ipeng
from the background as soon as I have finished using it or it eats my
battery. Has this been fixed? (I have all options set for not staying
alive in sleep mode etc. but this doesn't help)

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