dborod;609568 Wrote: 
> I fear that this method is going to get you in trouble with Apple if
> they ever figure out what you're doing. I cant imagine that this is
> something that they'll accept once they find out about it, but I
> appreciate your efforts to enable those of us who've bought both apps
> to obtain the new feature.

I'm not so sure.
I don't violate anything AFAIK. And yes, I looked.
I understand that Apple demands exclusivity on In-App-Purchases in the
sense that they don't allow you to sell stuff by other means than
In-App-Purchase (although they will enforce that only from March on)
but I'm not selling something here, I'm giving it away for free.
And I don't use In-App-Purchase for that.

I think it's OK, yet awkward.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at penguinlovesmusic.com
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