oivindi;609652 Wrote: 
> It's not really a question of it being a ripoff, but I feel slightly
> peeved that this isn't mentioned anywhere. In other words: Had I known
> before buying I wouldn't have complained, because then I would have
> understood that you will ONLY get free playback on the iPad if you have
> both apps, not on the iPhone (unless you want to do that restore thing,
> which is a terrible idea).
It is mentioned in the announcement and in the App itself how the
process works.
The only place where it is not mentioned is the App Store description
which is space limited.
> In other words: I think you should state somewhere that you will NOT
> get playback on the iPhone for free if you buy both apps on the iPad,
> unless you want to restore your entire phone and have to reinstall
> everything that's missing.
Well, as I said: It's mentioned, for example in the App.
I will try to make the App Store description a bit more clear.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at penguinlovesmusic.com
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