danco wrote: 
> I think you are a bit hard on Logitech. Mountain Lion introduced a new
> sleep policy (hard drive activity is ignored in resetting the sleep
> timer, only keyboard or mouse activity counts) that might not have made
> it into the final version of ML, so it wasn't really something to
> concentrate on. And ML has  been out for less than a month.
But the bug report I am asking people to vote for goes back years.

danco wrote: 
> Also, it is primarily an Apple issue, as any program that runs for a
> long time without human interaction (large downloads, video conversion,
> etc) gets caught.
I am not sure if you mean it is an issue for Apple to sort out or an
Apple-specific issue for Logitech. My view is that Apple at last have it
right. I think it is great that my Mac Mini will at last go to sleep
reliably after the time I have set in preferences. It is each App that
knows best whether it needs to override these defaults. With the power
assertions they have at last given the tools that allow App developers
to implement this.

danco wrote: 
> If you look at the Mountain Lion section of Apple support community, the
> thread "help with caffeinate", you will find, as soon as I have time to
> put it up, instructions on how to write your own script to keep a Mac
> awake. Someone else will need to write a simple program to put this in
> the menu bar, in the way that Caffeine did.
Sorry but this is the wrong way round. We should not need Caffeine
anymore if developers cotton on and adapt their programs for ML. I would
worry that providing such a menu bar facility would give developers a
get-out from doing so. Using caffeinate directly from the command line
gives us all we really *need* in the mean time - apart from

danco wrote: 
> I know a fair bit about this kind of problem, because of the reverse
> issue. My Mac running Snow Leopard refuses to go to sleep according to
> the Energy Saver settings. That got solved by using a third party sleep
> timer, but those were not reset by hard drive activity. So I had to use
> Jiggler or Caffeine to keep the Mac awake when I needed to (or Really
> Prevent Standby or Sever Power Control for Squeezebox use).
Me too. Exactly. We should not need third party sleep timers or third
party keep-awake timer kludges. Logitech, along with other developers
need to be pushed to take advantage of power assertions under ML.

Please vote for http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8141 - the
caffeinate source code I point to was intended as a possible model for
developers to use in their own Apps. I did not envisage caffeinate
itself being called.

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