nonnoroger wrote: 
> 4. In the Plugins tab again, go to the Settings for
> ReallyPreventStandby. To reproduce my configuration choose:
> Allow standby after how many idle minutes? 3
> Prohibit standby if players are on? Checked
> Inhibit standby command: caffeinate -i
> Re-enable standby command: pkill caffeinate
> Inhibit is a toggle command: Checked
> Then Apply the changes
I am now happy enough with the fix to ReallyPreventStandby (please see
earlier post for full testing instructions) that I am going to keep my
system this way for now. If you choose to do the same, I strongly
recommend that you get yourself your own copy of caffeinate for use just
by ReallyPreventStandby. This will prevent any other interactive uses of
caffeinate from being unexpectedly terminated after all you SB's are
turned off.

I find it easist to do this in a terminal window, but the following
could be done in Finder:

mkdir bin
cp /usr/bin/caffeinate bin/lms-noidle

this sequence makes sure you are in your home directory (or folder),
prints (shows) the full pathname of that folder (should be /Users/USER
where I am assuming you are logged in as the user who installed LMS),
makes you a new directory (folder) called bin (for binary - if you
already have one you probably do not need any help from me), and then
takes a copy of caffeinate as lms-noidle and puts it in your own bin

Then, in the ReallyPreventStandby instructions quoted partly above use
lms-noidle instead of caffeinate:

Inhibit standby command: /Users/USER/bin/lms-noidle -i
Re-enable standby command: pkill lms-noidle

I have suggested that you place the copy of caffeinate outside the
ReallyPreventStandby folders so you will not lose it if installing or
re-installing the plugin.
You could instead try using the command that Gordon provides which is
- especially if you want to try my fix and configuration on versions of
OSX before Mountain Lion that do not have caffeinate.

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