markcaines wrote: 
> Hi,
> Fantastic plug-in - I have been using it a lot.  However, in the last
> few days it seems to be working far less well.  I have a few recipes set
> up with the Blender, but they no longer play songs that correspond to
> the recipes.  A few songs that I don't expect / want to be in the play
> list keep showing up (sources are Spotify and my library - the unwanted
> songs are coming from Spotify).  Similarly if I define a mix in the
> Blender, although the list of songs shown in the Blender looks good,
> that list does not get properly transposed to my LMS playlist.  For
> example, suppose I build a mix based on David Bowie.  The list of songs
> in the Blender looks fine, and maybe the first 2-3 songs in LMS match. 
> However, at song 3 or 4 in LMS I almost always have "Hexigazmel
> Sandwiches" by Robyn Steward ARRAY and then other stuff following that
> that I don't want.  I could have chosen a mix based on pretty much any
> artist with the default settings, but I always get the strange shaped
> sandwiches at track 3 or 4.
> As I say, this has only just started happening.  I am on a Mac and have
> recently upgraded to Mavericks, but I can't link this strange behaviour
> directly to that upgrade.
> One final bit of strangeness.  If Smart Mix manages to start a mix based
> on the current song, then usually that works as expected.  That would be
> enough for me most of the time - except that Smart Mix doesn't very
> often manage to do this.  I usually get the message "Failed to create
> playlist for XYZ".  In the log, I get a message saying "The Identifier
> specified does not exit".
> Any help gratefully received...
> Mark


I have exactly the same problem as Mark, although sometimes I get Space
Cadet by Robyn Steward ARRAY. I'm also on a Mac with Mavericks using

I see at post 945 you said from Mark's log you could see it was as a
result of an array reference being sent instead of the artist name.
Also, at post 961, you said, reading from another log: 'Yeah, fwict the
smartmix related output is ok. There seem to be some 
network related issues though (totally unrelated to the plugin): eg.
it's trying to get a podcast or rss feed and fails to reach that host.'

Was this ever resolved?

I can send you my server.log but I won't if there was a generic

Many thanks for a great plugin.


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