First of all thanks for your superb plugin. Been playing around with it
for the last hours and it's been working really well. There is one thing
however which bothers me a little bit: as soon as SugarCube is enabled
only one song is added by Smart Mix if a mix is played. Earlier in this
thread I saw a few corresponding entries regarding interferences between
SM & SC. Looking at the debug log from SM I can see, that
onPlaylistChange is fired if SC is enabled. I can also that SM checks if
SC is enabled and does not add any further songs if this is the case
(thus only one song gets added by SM). I removed the check (=SM should
get to addTracks no matter if SC is enabled or not) and voilĂ , a few
more songs are added. But not as much as if SC is disabled. For example
if I start a "Jazz" mix without SC I get ~40 songs and with SC enabled
(and the check removed) I get around 2-6 songs.

What I would love would be to get the same amount of songs from SM no
matter if SC is enabled or not. Is that possible or is this something
which can't be changed in SM?

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