For anyone finding this thread with similar issues...

Well, tired of hitting my head against a brick wall I finally took the
plunge and updated my system. Rather than sticking with Ubuntu I've
reinstalled the operating system, choosing Lubuntu (14.04) because of
its much smaller footprint. I also upgraded to Logitech Media Server 7.8
(note that the last 'official' release 7.7.x won't work on Trusty Tahr

And Triode's Spotify plug-in now works great. I didn't have to change
any network settings in my router, or set-up any special port-forwarding
rules. Just worked right away. So I expect the issue was somehow with
Squeezboxserver version 7.5.1 running on Ubuntu 10.04. Go figure.

Thanks for a great plug-in Triode - great to finally have Spotify on all
my Squeezeboxes :)
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