I recently upgraded my VortexBox to version 2.3 and LMS 7.9. After using
the SvrPowerControl plugin successfully with LMS 7.8 for some time, I
reinstalled it on 7.9 and checked that all settings were the same as
previously. Only the End of Day Suspend feature is enabled. I wake up
the server with one of my Touch units when needed. All other menu items
are unchecked. Here's my problem....the server will suspend at the
appointed time or by using the Suspend menu item in LMS, but after 2
minutes the server wakes up. The SrvPowerControl log records a Wake Up
command from somewhere! This happens regardless of the time entered for
the end of day command. I've reviewed all the plugin menu items but
can't see anything that should initiate a wake up call. With my
configuration, the server should not wake up until my Touch sends a WOL
command. MYSB.com integration is disabled. I have tried uninstalling the
plugin, deleting cache and reinstalling but the wake up call continues
after 2 minutes of suspension.
Others appear to be using the plugin successfully on this version of
Any idea's on what is causing this??

jfo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1135
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=48521

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