Simon_rb wrote: 
> Hi Mr Harris,
> Just wondered how I could activate the "Shutdown to Alternate Server"
> action via a script from other than iPeng which I use now. My basic
> setup involves DemoPad and Domoticz. I usually have a switch on DemoPad
> which activates a switch in Domoticz which then runs the scripts I need.
> How would one accomplish this?
> I did read you are no longer working or supporting this plugin as such
> however any help you or anyone else her can give me would be much
> appreciated.
> Kind Regards
> Simon
I'm afraid I don't really understand what it is you're trying to
accomplish.  I'm not familiar with either DemoPad or Domoticz other than
to have a vague idea that they're involved in home automation.

I added the "Shutdown to Alternate Server" feature to SrvrPowerCtrl so
that players attached to a server could be handed off to another server
(typically a tinySC running on a SBTouch) when the main server shut

Are you asking how to initiate a server shutdown from a script that gets
fired off by Domoticz?  If that's what  you're after, and assuming that
you know the IP of the server you're trying to shutdown, then you could
have your script use NetCat to send CLI commands to the server.

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