Would it be within your intended use model for your plugin to include
options to search local sources first for artist picture and bio files?

Intended use model - yes. But it's not implemented.

Or would this be a case of "write yer own damn plugin whydontcha?"

Sounds like a good plan :-). Do you have a certain schema for your filenames? You mention composer.jpg. Would there be conducter.jpg, artist.jpg etc., too? One problem with such approaches (searching the file system) always is performance. I'd have to think about how we could limit lookups to as little disk IO as possible.

When I started the MAI plugin development I intended to learn a few lessons from the old AlbumReview etc. plugins. One idea I had was to make it open to various information providers. When you look at the code folder, you'll see there are files for AllMusic, Discogs, Last.fm etc. Maybe you could extend the importer with a module to cover your use case. No need for a full plugin. "Only" one more extension to the extension :-).


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