gharris999 wrote: 
> OK, I'm a little confused as to if & how local artist / composer files
> are supported.
> If my music library is located at:
> /mnt/Media/Music
> ..and say I've got a whole-cd-flac-with-embedded cuesheet file at:
> /mnt/Media/Music/a_Medieval/Du Fay, G/O gemma, lux - Huelgas
> Ensemble.flac
> ..and I've got an artist/composer picture at:
> /mnt/Media/Music/a_Medieval/Du Fay, G/composer.jpg
> ..and I've got an artist/composer bio file at:
> /mnt/Media/Music/a_Medieval/Du Fay, G/bio.html
> How would I configure the plugin?
> Neither:
> %GENRE/ARTIST/composer.jpg
> ..nor..
> %GENRE/%ARTIST/composer.jpg
> in the "Folder with artist photos" field seems to work.

First off, LMS scanner won't find any jpg or html files unless there is
a music track in the same directory.

So, to get your bio and composer files recognised you need to add a flac
or mp3 file to the folder containing the those files.

I have attached a zip file containing a flac file with tags of Du Fay, G
as artist, Biography as album. The file is 5 seconds of silence in case
someone plays it.

Download this file, unzip and place in /mnt/Media/Music/a_Medieval/Du
Fay, G/13 Silence.flac

Then copy /mnt/Media/Music/a_Medieval/Du Fay, G/composer.jpg and paste
as /mnt/Media/Music/a_Medieval/Du Fay, G/artist.jpg

Now run a scan for new and changed.

When that has finished, browse by artists to Du Fay, there will be his
artist.jpg displayed, click either the picture or his name.
Du Fay's albums will be listed, there will be an album called Biography,
click the M icon for this album and there will be a Local Artwork and
Text files from music folder menu items displayed. Local Artwork will
list available jpg or png files for display, Text files will list html,
txt or pdf files available for display.

I have found that some html files will take several minutes to load as I
suspect there must be some external url's in them that take a while to
time out. 
The album name could of course be changed to "Biography - click the M
icon to view" or some such instruction.

|Filename: 13 - [Silence].zip                                       |

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