Mr Clive, If you gou withat version of squeezeplug thee is a NOOBs image
that you can download, read the info on the Squeezeplug page.

It would be better to use Max2play and run LMS on the rpi2.

What player do you intend to use for output? (Edit: Touch and BOOM) 

And where in the UK are you (approx is good for now but a 'phone call
can often help if you get stuck).

I'm just now downloading Max2Play to use on a rpi2 with a hifiberry digi
out and LMS server.

When you do the install follow the instructions at each stage and don't
worry if you make a mistake, all can be resolved with patience and time.

You will find it quite rewardiing when everything is up and running.

If you have problems, PM me your address and I'll pop a preconfigured SD
card in the post for you.



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