pinkdot wrote: 
> Depends on what version you ran before. But I had this issue also. Did a
> fresh install on the previous build and that solved this on my nas. 
> If it happens again, please provide a server log. Thanks.
Noticed that perl was using up the CPU again today. I have an automatic
scan running every morning so I suspect this. In order to see if this
was the case I rebooted the nas. All CPU activity was then down to
normal levels. I then ran a manual scan and at the end, the perl CPU
usage went up again. So seems to be caused by the scan! 

Could I install the older version of lms that works for you pinkdot? How
could I do that?

I will post my server log tomorrow but I don't see anything odd in there
as far as I can tell...



3 x Logitech Squeezebox Radio
Synology DS212+
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