pinkdot wrote: 
> Yes, that is proberbly causing it. 

Ah, I've made a terrible mistake! :eek:

While reinstalling the repack, I got an error that 'another app was
using port 9000'. Odd I thought... I then took a look at my SSODS
installation and noticed that an instance of LMS 7.8 was running there
on port 9000! I must have forgot to switch off the automatic restart in
SSODS, so it must have restarted LMS 7.8 the last time I rebooted the
NAS! doh...

Sorry for wasting your time, but maybe this was actually the cause! I
had 2 instances of LMS running on port 9000... 

I have certainly run another full scan and the CPU usage is fine now.

Thanks for your help Pinkdot. :D



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Synology DS212+
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