rbl wrote: 
> I tried the DNS mods some months  ago and it didn't help, so I put them
> back to how they were. Things are better now to be fair,
> - I don't have any logging at the moment. Very happy to turn it on...

Are you playing the Mp3 or the HLS streams ?
If it is the HLS then the pauses sound like the DNS problem - you don't
say which mods you tried.  IIRC You need to enable network.asyncdns to
see what is happening and also check whether the mods have any effect.

Depending on the OS running you could try playing the BBC HLS live urls
drectly with the PlayHLS plugin installed.  This means ffmpeg will do
the HLS processing and also deal with DNS rather than LMS if the DNS
problem is with LMS rather than the OS.

If playing MP3 - try enabling LMS "Proxied streaming" using WebUI
Settings/Player/Audio/MP3 Streaming Method

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