redguppy13 wrote: 
> Hi Philippe,
> I've recently purchased a Cambridge CXN streamer and due the the
> limitations of their Connect app, I thought that with your
> UPnPBridge/LMS7.9 and the IPENG app to control it would be the ideal
> answer, but for some reason, I cannot get it to work.
> The LMS 7.9 and UPnPBridge plugin are running on my Netgear Readynas
> rn202. Both the LMS server and the IPENG can see the Cambridge CXN
> player. But when I try to play any songs, the Cambridge CXN player
> displays "stopped", eventhough the LMS shows the song playing, but the
> IPENG app progress bar will show the song playing for 15 to 20 seconds
> before resetting itself.
> I suspect that I've might of installed incorrectly or set the parameters
> up incorrectly, but not too sure what I might of done wrong ?

You have probably not done anything wrong at installation but UPnP
devices are very diverse and sensitive to parameters tuning,
unfortunately. I recommend that you have a look at the option of the
plugin in the LMS setting page. You will find here as well a link to the
user guide and the possiblity to grab a log file and send it to me.
Usually, the problem is around the HTTP streaming options supported by
the player, but I need a log to make any sensible comment. 

Having said that, I also saw that the CXN supports AirPlay. You might
want to try my other plugin, AirPlay Bridge as it will bring the
possibility to perfectly synchronize the CXN with other squeezeboxes.
Keep in mind though that it is less mature and because it is AirPlay,
you are limited to 44.1kHZ/16 bits. 

It's a give and take: the UPnP is more mature, but more complex to
configure, to find the right parameters. Once it works, you'll have the
possibility to send HiRes files that I assume you may want to do. The
AirPlay will probably work out of the box (maybe tweak the "Networking
buffer" to less than 3000 in the plugin settings and adjust the player
delay in LMS player settings, but that's probably all), but might drop
the playback from time to time.

The good thing is that you can have both plugin active at the same time,
you'll see 2 extra players in LMS, you can use one or the other,
depending on what you want to do at any given time. I saw that the
Netgear Readynas rn202 is having an A15 arm CPU, at 1?4GHz, so pretty
beefy, should be no load problem. 

I'm always pleased to help, but I welcome when people read the user
guide and try a bit as support starts to be a big burden for me. In any
case, if you want me to help, I need logs.

LMS 7.7.5 - 5xRadio, 3xBoom, 4xDuet, 1xTouch, 1 SB2. Sonos 2xPLAY:1,
PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, JBL OnBeat, XBMC, Foobar2000, XBoxOne,
JRiver 21, Chromecast Audio, Chromecast v1, Pi B2, Pi B+, 2xPi A+,
Odroid-C1, Cubie2
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