Hi All

I managed to install InguzEQ, but just not yet completely:

> The GUI in the LMS works fine on internet explorer, 64 bit. On Firefox
it does not. The reason for this seems to be the silverlight add on. No
big deal, I can use the explorer if I have to.
> using OrangeSqueeze on an Android phone or tablet I can access
InguzEQ. I can choose options, but not set the attenuations in the band
of the equalizer. As I can set the bands in the IE, this is also no big


when I select the EQ Plugin the playback always stops after maximal 1
second. There is no sound audible on any of the installed players.
Trying to research things I realized that the system produces the error

[16-04-23 07:59:36.2717] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1311) Warning:
[07:59:36.2705] Using a hash as a reference is deprecated at
/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Plugins/InguzEQ/Plugin.pm line 3138.

Can anybody provide me with a clue what this means and how to
potentially resolve this error?

When I deselect the EQ Plugin, the system works flawlessly.

thanks for all suggestions

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