Apesbrain wrote: 
> 1. Where does this file go ?
> > It goes in same folder as convert.conf AND NOTE THAT I MADE A MISTAKE
> ABOVE; THE FILE IS NAMED custom-convert.conf
> 2. Your example - is the effect to boost bass (+3) and reduce treble
> (-3)  ?
> > Yes, the units are dBs
> 3  What would the script line be for AAC ?
> > Similar to what you see for Ogg but using a commandline AAC decoder
> such as FAAD which installs with LMS.  You'd need to play around with
> switches to get it to work.  The idea is to decode to WAV and pipe it (
> | ) into SoX.


You wrote 'Just use ....'  !!!   I can't even find how to get sox on my
system  linux i386 

Are there linux binaries anywhere?

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